To redefine old age as a reflection of much acquired wisdom and life experience. To view retirement life as a period in which a person can focus on intellectual and spiritual pursuits, and growth.
To care for the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of the seniors in Los Angeles.
Kollel Tiferes Zekenim Levi Yitzchok
In the Summer of 1980, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, spoke of the need for society to rethink their approach to retirement. The Torah teaches us to value and respect the wisdom and knowledge that the elderly have gained from lives filled with experiences and learning. The Rebbe therefore encouraged the opening of a Kollel, a place where seniors can congregate and learn, and use their knowledge for continued study.
The Wisdom Circle visits multiple senior living facilities (independent living, assisted living, and nursing homes) in Los Angeles on an ongoing basis to facilitate Wisdom Circles, classes where seniors can learn, explore and reflect on ideas about Jewish history, tradition and values.
The Wisdom Circle provides a listening ear and emotional support to many seniors living in facilities, or at home, by visiting them on a regular basis.
The Wisdom Circle organizes programs throughout the year in multiple senior living facilities in Los Angeles for the Jewish holidays, where seniors can participate and practice the age-old traditions of Jewish life.
What is a “Wisdom Circle”?
Over the span of an hour, residents learn about a topic of Jewish history and/or tradition. This lesson is brought to life with stories, anecdotes and life lessons. The topics are often connected to the current Jewish holidays, which provides a platform for the residents to share their own memories and insights relating to the discussion on hand.
Following the session, the Rabbi or Rebbetzin spends time with each of the residents, to establish a personal and lasting connection.